In 2007, it all started with a group of young men and women who fell in love with the Dominican charism, and who shared a belief that the four pillars of community, prayer, study, and preaching could help enlighten our minds through Truth, the Truth that St. Dominic was so passionate about. With Jesus Christ as the center of our faith, informed by the numerous Dominican holy men and women, like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Catherine of Siena, and led by example of the Dominican vowed religious who have inspired us, the Dominican Young Adults was formed.
On Oct. 20, we acknowledged the newest chapter of our national organization. Students at Siena Heights University, formerly the Sojourn group, will be joining the Guatibiri Chapter in Puerto Rico, the Luz Dominica Chapter in Miami, Florida; the Molloy Chapter on Long Island, New York; and a number of other chapters throughout the United States. They will also enter into a movement of Dominican youth in many countries throughout the world. These young women and men were officially welcomed into the Dominican Young Adults, USA.
Each chapter member received pins that not only recognized membership and voting rights within DYA USA, but more importantly unites those who have fallen in love with the Dominican charism that is carried on by devoted friars and priests, sisters, nuns and brothers, laity and associates, Dominican Volunteers and now, Dominican Young Adults.
After receiving their pins, the new members read a public statement of their one-year commitment. To conclude the ceremony, there was a blessing of the pins by Fr. John Grace, university chaplain, and distribution of the pins by the national coordinator of DYA. The participants in the Mass stood and applauded in full support of this new venture at a great Dominican university.
New members included Freshman Kiersten Diachun, who said, “We had talks about the former Sojourn group—about whether we were a campus ministry group or a business meeting of the Campus Ministry Scholars. Whatever we were, we were lacking focus. Since becoming a DYA chapter, we have found our focus: the four pillars of Dominican spirituality; it has changed us for the better!”
Senior Willis Sowle, the chapter’s new young adult chair, said, “DYA was an important moved for Siena Heights community, not only for the sake of growing in faith, but also in keeping the Dominican spirit alive.” When asked about the initiation at Mass, he said, “The ceremony was an important piece to the beginning of our chapter so that we could witness firsthand the support of the Catholic community that is present in Adrian.” Morgan Gaudet, a sophomore, said, “I really enjoyed it, I felt like I was joining a group that is bigger than just me, bigger than just our group here at Siena. Today I joined a group of people who share the same passion and mission as myself, and that is super special!”