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DYM USA Announces New Executive Director, Sr. Katherine Frazier, OP

It is with great joy and excitement that the Board of Directors of the Dominican Youth Movement USA announces the hiring of a new Executive Director.  Sister Katherine Frazier, OP, an Adrian Dominican sister will take over as Executive Director in August 2022.

Sister Katherine comes with a variety of gifts two of which are the love for our beloved charism and a great love for young people.  She has been involved in many of the organization’s programs and comes with a great deal of energy, creativity, and enthusiasm.

We the Board of Directors are thrilled that Sister Katherine has accepted this position and look forward to working with her to continue the programs already present and to create new exciting opportunities to engage our young people in the future.

Congratulations Sister Katherine.  And may the blessings of St. Dominic, St. Catherine, and all our Dominican saints be with you as you embark on this new journey!

More about Sister Katherine to come!


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