Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference
June 27, through July 2, 2024 at Siena Heights University, Adrian, Michigan
DYMUSA continued its tradition of empowering high school students to discover and deepen the preacher within themselves through prayer, study, community and interaction with members of the Dominican Family.

Action Plans by School
"We, the preachers"
Albertus Magnus High School
We, the preachers of Albertus Magnus High School, will preach with our lives by:
Having a student preacher offer a summary of the readings at our monthly school masses and posing a question to help the assembly focus on the readings.
Using technology such as student made videos that highlight a Dominican saint or a Signs of the Times issue to be shared in Theology class.
Highlighting the International Day of the Girl by sharing facts about girls from around the world during our morning prayer in the month of October.
Dominican High School
Edgewood High School
ICA Cristo Rey
San Gabriel Mission
Dominican Academy
Mount Saint Dominic
Lacordaire Academy
Regina Dominican High School
St. Mary's Dominican